Furniture Layouts To Revamp Your Room

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Do you have a room at home that feels a little tired, perhaps in need of a change around? We say, consider shuffling your furniture around into a new configuration. Having a change around can really alter the look of a room and keeps it feeling fresh for you - we do this in our showroom all the time! 

Or perhaps you've bought some new furniture and you're struggling to place it alongside your existing pieces. Have a read of some of our furniture tips we've put together and see some fantastic looks below.
This might just help to get you started! 

Establish the focal point
If there was one rule when it came to arranging your furniture, it would be to establish the focal point and treasure it! Whether this is a fireplace or a window with a beautiful view, try to place your furniture around it to draw the eye in that direction.

Maintain a clear path
The last thing you want to do is create obstructions in a room. Be mindful of the number of pieces you are placing in a room. Use only what you need for comfort, storage and utility, and find new homes for any obsolete pieces.

Avoid the perimeter
Lining furniture along the perimeter of a room creates a very stagnant look. In saying that, a lot of New Zealand homes don’t have the space to float all our furniture in the center of the room. If a large piece like a couch makes most sense against the wall, place a couple of smaller pieces like two armchairs or ottomans in front of it to balance the look.

Encourage conversation
No matter what size your space is, always consider seating that lets you share the space with a friend. Positioning a suite and two chairs near a focal point, or even two armchairs or ottomans facing each other is a great way to start.

Measure mindfully
Take accurate measurements of your room (and the doorways and entrances) before you start shopping for furniture. Allow plenty of room for walking about, pulling out a chair, and accommodating whatever elements you need in order to function in the space. Using your measurements and our own diagrams, we can help you to get an idea of what will fit in the space that you have.

Plan for lighting and outlets
Probably one of the last things anyone ever thinks of, but it’s so annoying when you get this part wrong. When designing a new home, consider planning outlets with furniture placement in mind. In an existing home, you may have to get a little more creative with cords!